For the week preceding Saturday, May 30th 2009
General news & info
Hello all!
Produce: new this week are..
Veggies: Baby beet greens, baby arugula, horseradish, garlic scapes, upland cress, baby zucchini with flowers.
Herbs: Spearmint in bunches, micro basil.
Sale: Parsnips, cabbage.
New look to store checkout pages: CSA member Phil has made over our 4 online store checkout pages, as we have had ongoing problems with people thinking they had placed orders but not actually completing them. I had text boxes explaining what to do, but experience would indicate many don't read the text, and Phil has experience with more visual pages, so he came up with what I feel is a real improvement. (Note that nothing about how the store works has changed, just the appearance and instructions!)
Please let us know if you have ideas for other improvements. (Ones that have come up over the years are an archive for old messages... which we're addressing starting this week by posting the messages in the blog, where they will be saved, and making it easier to change quantities in the store. At the present time we don't know how to make it easier. It's described clearly in several places how to do it.)
On the farm: I'm worn out. We had quite a planting marathon over the last two days. We planted another ½ acre of potatoes (making about 1.5 total) plus more onions, celeriac, more kale and collards, more radishes, cabbage, fennel, lettuce, tomatoes, arugula, dandelion greens and more. The weather was just right before the rain began this morning, and we made use of it!
Star Hollow CSA blog: Our new blog, designed and set up by CSA member Michele, is up and running at Anyone can look and comment. If you want to post, please email Michele ( and she'll send you an invite.
Open-farm dates: Below are the dates we've set aside for our open-farm get-togethers. Those weekends are:
July 4th and 5th
August 1st and 2nd
September 5th and 6th
CSA-Specific News
Planned CSA produce for this week:
This week the plan is for the last asparagus to go in the CSA boxes this season (there may be more available a la carte next week), mixed bunched greens from the high tunnel, water cress, horseradish, Romaine lettuce, red scallions, an onion, and 2 honey crisp apples. Enjoy!
Adams Morgan CSA volunteers. Thanks to Heather and Tony and Sarah and Sean for their help handing out orders last weekend. Remember to get your name on the calendar if you haven't done so already. We're all covered up until the end of August!
Thanks for your support!
Randy, Chris and all at Star Hollow Farm