Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Your Post Here!

Let us know what you're ordering in your CSA box, and how you are preparing the food. Recipes, photos, ideas, questions - it's all good! If you aren't already signed on, send me an email at and I'll send you the link to get started.


  1. Hi all,
    This is Randy. I just signed up for a google account (w/o asking the kids how!) and wanted to check in.
    If this works okay, I'll go ahead and paste some of this week's info here.
    Thanks for your efforts, Michele!

  2. Hello from the farm. Michele suggested I post the new produce each week, as well as the store message. I'll experiment here a bit to see what works for you all. (Let me know with suggestions to or here, I don't know which would be more appropriate). Part of the idea is that that info would stay here for longer (just how long, anyway?) than my store is open -- 24 hours.
    PS (Am I supposed to "sign" my posts, or not? How lame I am! This is my first experience with a blog.

    Produce notes for this week (5/23/09):

    -Where the wild things are: ramps (last week or two), watercress, lambsquarters, nettles.
    -Veggies: Bunched cooking greens (Swiss chard, collards, mixed kale, red Italian dandelion), Asian and braising greens, pea shoots, baby spinach, white scallions.
    -Herbs: peppermint is our newest herb offering; today is that last for sage for awhile.
    -Other: We have located a new producer of maple syrup, an Amish family over the mountain from us, and have a fresh supply of both light and dark syrup. We got smaller jars so the price would be lower. We also have honey in one-pound jars again.


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