Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hi again,

Guess I entered my thoughts as a comment instead of a post. Well, did I know there was a difference???

How about this then:

Produce: We have a number new or limited-time offerings to call your attention to this week...

  • Where the wild things are: ramps (last week or two), watercress, lambsquarters, nettles.

  • Veggies: Bunched cooking greens (Swiss chard, collards, mixed kale, red Italian dandelion), Asian and braising greens, pea shoots, baby spinach, white scallions.

  • Herbs: peppermint is our newest herb offering; today is that last for sage for awhile.

  • Other: We have located a new producer of maple syrup, an Amish family over the mountain from us, and have a fresh supply of both light and dark syrup. We got smaller jars so the price would be lower. We also have honey in one-pound jars again.


  1. Ramps again - hooray! I'll get to experiment again. Randy, how would you recommend using them?

  2. I recommend keeping is simple, so as not to disguise or cover up the flavor. The big deal is the ramps and their rareness, so don't get them lost in something complex. Sauteed in butter, perhaps a little garlic, and at most one other flavor would be about it, as far as we're concerned. We added white mushrooms the other nite, and all at the table thought that was delicious!


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