Star Hollow Farm News
For the week preceding Saturday, March 27th, 2010
Hi folks,
I'm running a bit late this morning, and want to be sure to get the store open and email out by 7, so I'll try to be brief here. Basically, it's spring and our pace is noticeably quickening, my list of “to-do” items is growing rapidly, particularly as regards seed-starting in the greenhouse, prepping the henhouse for our new flock, and it's time to get out the market paraphernalia and clean it up for the beginning of markets again in April. No more sleeping 'til noon for me! (That was a joke... I don't think I could anymore even if I tried!)
Schedule: We are down to our last “winter” market week (even though the calendar says it is now spring, and it sometimes feels like summer). We simply defined our winter as January, February and March, the months our outdoor market is closed. All that the change from winter to “main season” really means to you – with regards to us and your orders – is that pickup at Adams Morgan is extended to 9 to 1 instead of the 10 to 1 that it is for winter (and one more week). What it means for me is No More Saturdays Off until Thanksgiving, and the return of 2 and 3 AM alarms on Saturdays. Sob.
Produce: We are at that time of the year where storage crops are finishing up, one by one, and there are fewer and fewer to choose from. Fortunately, at the same time, some of the first spring crops have started to appear, albeit from the greenhouse where the heat of those warm days has been concentrated. So each week for the next month the storage crops will disappear from our list while more new items appear. The first field crops to appear are the perennials: asparagus, rhubarb, chives, mint, sorrel, to be followed by the fastest growing of the spring-planted crops: radishes, scallions, new potatoes, zucchini, but I'm getting ahead of myself. It is still March, in spite of feeling at times like late June. The forsythia hasn't even bloomed yet. (Trees and plants are pretty smart, most of the time, and don't get fooled too often by weather anomalies.)
The list: (New or Back on the list items in red.)
Greens: arugula, cabbage, chard, claytonia, mesclun, microgreens, lettuce (bibb, red leaf, Romaine), pea shoots, spinach.
Veggies: beets, carrots, celeriac, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, parsnips, potatoes, salsify (oyster root), scallions, shallots, turnips, butternut squash.
Herbs: basil, cilantro, dill, parsley, rosemary, thyme.
Mushrooms: crimini, oyster, portabella, shiitake, white.
Apples: Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Honey Crisp, Pink Lady, Red Delicious.
Other items: the usual eggs, butter, cheeses and preserves. Back on the list are goat cheese (chevre) and maple syrup.
On sale: All of our potatoes.
CSA-Specific Information
CSA volunteer sign-ups beginning: We will have a calendar at the truck this Saturday for folks to start signing up for a two hour “stint” handing out CSA boxes at the truck. The shifts are 9 to 11 and 11 to 1. All CSA members are asked to do one shift per year: some happily sign up for several shifts and a some act like they have never heard of such a thing. Please consider it!
Planned CSA produce for this week:
Two-week box includes Lolla Bionda and Cherokee red leaf lettuce, a small head of cabbage, onions and garlic, a 3 lb. potato mix, turnips, parsley, apple sauce and assorted apples.
Thanks for your support!
Randy, Chris and all at Star Hollow Farm
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