Star Hollow Farm News
For the week preceding Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hi folks,
It's been quite a winter for us so far. Our farm is still completely white with the snow that fell the weekend before Christmas, and we haven't seen a temperature above 32 degrees since then. Two mornings ago it was 2 degrees when I came downstairs in the morning. We're going through our firewood pile faster than usual, but fortunately have an extra cord ready if needed, which it looks like it will be.
Winter Schedule (NOTE: every other week):
Delivery dates will be: Jan. 16, 30. Feb. 13, 27. Mar. 13, 27. Orders are placed on the Wednesdays prior to delivery. Mark your calendars, and remember to order for two weeks instead of just one. And note that during these winter months, the Adams Morgan order pick-up hours are changed to 10 AM until 1 PM.
Our organic status: We have dropped our organic certification in 2010 after 18 years as a certified organic farm. The primary reasons are our decision to stop producing wholesale for Tuscarora Organic Growers Co-op (which required certification), the ever-increasing cost (well over $1000 last year), and mounting paperwork requirements. We do not plan to change how we farm. Thus while no longer able to call ourselves “organic” you should really not see any difference in us. Being ardent stewards of the environment and providing safe, healthy produce for you is still our plan. However, I believe that the USDA Organic Law made it a federal crime to imply that our produce was organic if it was not certified, so after this you won't likely hear so treasonous a statement from us.
After all that, our former certifier has said we can still sell our stored 2009 produce as organic until Feb. 15, so it's still identified as such in the store.
New shoppers in the online store: Welcome to those of you who are here for the first time or back for the first time in awhile! The maroon dialogue boxes are there in response to many folks' questions about something in that part of the store. Feel free to email if something still doesn't make sense. Please review your order before clicking the “submit” button, as we would rather not have folks placing multiple orders – too confusing on this end while packing. Thanks.
This week's planned produce:
Greens: arugula, Asian greens mix, cabbage, chard, lettuce (bibb, green and red leaf), lettuce mix, spinach. (Large bunched greens are done for the year.)
Veggies: beets, carrots, celeriac, daikon, garlic, Jerusalem artichokes, onions, parsnips, cayenne peppers, potatoes, watermelon radishes, rutabagas, salsify (oyster root), shallots, sweet potatoes, hothouse tomatoes, turnips, butternut squash
Herbs: basil, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme
Mushrooms: crimini, oyster, portabella, shiitake, white
Apples: Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Stayman
Other items: the usual eggs, butter, cheeses and preserves.
On sale:
juice carrots
all of our potatoes (we have lots and would like to move them, so have marked down all types for the rest of the winter)
Winter squash website: http://whatscookingamerica.net/squash.htm
CSA-Specific Information
Planned CSA produce for this week:
This week: two small heads of lettuce, micro greens mix, garlic, onions, beets, carrots, mixed potatoes (2.5 lbs.), watermelon radishes, assorted apples.
CSA Harvest box size: We have increased the contents and value of the box somewhat this winter due to the fact that it is now a “two week box” instead of just one. And you know you can still add to that “a la carte” or skip it and shop entirely a la carte if you wish. Your choice.
Thanks for your support!
Randy, Chris and all at Star Hollow Farm
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