Star Hollow Farm News
For the week preceding Saturday, December 19, 2009
Hi folks,
It's getting closer and closer to Christmas, and my workload isn't going down at all and I haven't started shopping at all and........ (okay, enough of that!)
Do you know anyone who you think would really like to order online from us this winter? We're taking on new online COD customers (ie., not CSA) for our 6 winter weekends -- at Adams Morgan only. At the end of that time they'll either join the CSA or go back to shopping at the outdoor market. If you know someone who is interested, have them email me (randy@starhollowfarm.com). Please don't post this on some list-serve or run an ad in The Post; we don't want and can't handle 100 new folks. It's just if you have a friend or co-worker or roommate that live in or near Adams Morgan that would really be into it. (And whom you're willing to “mentor” if they need help figuring it out!)
Where and how should I store my produce? We had a CSA member ask this last week, so I told him in general about the several items he was wondering about, but it made me think that it would probably be good for me to create a chart (or better yet... link to a site) that tells you about what to refrigerate, what not; what likes moisture, what doesn't; and all that sort of thing. I don't think I can get it done for this week, but it will be a good project for the start of winter! Be on the lookout for it.
This week's planned produce: We are trying to clean up a lot of our produce inventory before the end of the year. Some items are not as plentiful as usual, some items come in multiple sizes, some are unusual sizes or packs, and many are on sale. New or back-on-the-list items are underlined.
Greens: arugula, cabbage, chard, collard greens, lettuce (bibb and baby green oak leaf), lettuce mix, spinach.
Veggies: beets, broccoli, carrots (orange and maroon), small celeriac, daikon radish, garlic, kohlrabi, small leeks, onions, parsnips, potatoes (five or six kinds), watermelon radishes, rutabagas, shallots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes (red & yellow), turnips (purple top, sweet white, scarlet), winter squash (acorn, buttercup, butternut, delicata, Gray and Green kabocha)
Herbs: basil, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme
Mushrooms: crimini, Oyster, portabella, shiitake, white
Tree fruit: apples (Fuji, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Nittany, Pink Lady, Stayman).
Other items: the usual eggs, butter, cheeses and preserves. Back this week – if you missed them last week – are Keswick cheeses (feta and Blue-Moo). Also we are also offering our frozen stewing hens, for your stews, stock or pets.
On sale or reduced:
Collard greens
Jerusalem artichokes, kohlrabi and rutabaga
baby potatoes and Austrian fingerling potatoes
5 pound bags of rainbow mixed potatoes
10 pound boxes of winter squash seconds
Winter squash website: http://whatscookingamerica.net/squash.htm
Winter schedule: Here is our schedule for the next couple of months.
Dec. 19: normal online orders and farm stand
Dec. 26: CLOSED
Winter 2010: online orders only, every other week. Delivery dates will be: Jan. 2, 16, 30. Feb. 13, 27. Mar. 13, 27. Mark your calendars! And remember that during those winter months, the Adams Morgan hours are reduced to 10 AM til 1 PM. Early-birds take note!
CSA-Specific Information
Planned CSA produce for this week:
This week: small Romaine lettuce, garlic, 2 lbs. Sangre red potatoes, 2.5 lbs. Mixed root vegetables, dried cayenne peppers, small amount of herb (parsley, rosemary or thyme – we're out of sage!), and apples (Jonagold, Nittany, Pink Lady).
Adams Morgan CSA volunteers: Thanks to Alix and Brooke & Joe for their help handing out orders last Saturday. We really appreciate the help.
Thanks for your support!
Randy, Chris and all at Star Hollow Farm
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