Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cantaloupe Salsa

I saw this post on cantaloupe salsa from Smitten Kitchen, and it's like she had some inside knowledge of what our CSA boxes had in store for us this week... cantaloupe, sweet Walla Walla onion, jalapeno.

This was great: you could eat it like a salad or more like a salsa with chips, etc.

I bet you could add some mint to this, too, if you have any leftover from a couple weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. I made a cantaloupe salsa with mixed basil, instead of cilantro. It was very tasted. We ate it with chipped & roasted salmon. When I ate the leftovers at work the next day - I broke up my salmon & ate the entire thing on chips -- it was awesome. I should add salmon to my salsa more often :).


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