Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Discussion: To Be Or Not To Be Organic

In the Farm News this week, Randy asked the question, "If we did what we think we needed to do to keep this all going for us and you, would you continue to support us, even if we weren't organic?" I'd like to get a discussion going here on the blog, so I guess I'll get the ball rolling with my own 2 cents:

Randy, I would answer your question with an unequivocal, resounding "YES!" We can trust what you sell not because of any government label but because we know you to be a person with integrity and principles. Every week you personally vouch for the produce you bring, whether it's from your own farm or a farmer that you know and trust, and that's how we can be sure that what we're buying is safe for our families and produced in a responsible and sustainable manner. Organic labels are unnecessary when we have the trust that comes with a personal relationship.

What do the rest of you think? Please discuss in the comments...


  1. I agree as well. The organic label has some problems, as explained by Randy. Knowing where your food comes from is important, maybe even more important than a label.

  2. I agree. Many of us work for or with the federal government, and realize that many standards they set are somewhat arbitrary and/or hollow, as they're creations of the lobbying process. Regardless of whether his produce has the federal government's "organic" stamp, I would continue to buy the produce Randy brings to the market because it's local, because I can meet and talk to the farmer every week, and because the produce is far superior to what is available at grocery stores!

  3. I fully agree with both posts and will absolutely continue to support Star Hollow Farm regardless of its decision!!! Not only is it comforting to know that your food has not traveled across the globe to get to your plate, but it is also a treat to be able to discuss that food with the person who produced it. Thank you to Randy, Chris, and the rest of the Treichler family for all your hard work!!!

  4. I am late for the party (I was out of town), but I trust Star Hollow. Whatever direction they go in, I know that I will be getting high quality produce.


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